100 years later: news of the armistice - an excerpt from one soldier's trench diary

As we prepare to mark the centenary of the end of World War I, many of us will be remembering our own loved ones who have served in the forces. Some of will even be paying our respects to those who died in battle.
I'm lucky enough that my great grandfather, Robert Burns, made it through WWI.
Not only that, but he kept a diary of his time in the trenches. He wrote the following (rather eloquent) words 100 years ago on Sunday.
If you have a similar memory to share, let us know in the comments...
Armistice - 11th November, 1918
I have today experienced emotions which defy analysis or expression.Shortly before 10am a motor dispatch rider came tearing into Headquarters with a message for the O/C. Secured to the front of his cap, he bore on a message the printed words:"ALL HOSTILITIES CEASE AT 11 O'CLOCK THIS MORNING"The news is overwhelming - we are alternately incredulous and believing. The boys all receive the message in the same way. They seem stupefied or indifferent. There is no outburst of enthusiasm, no cheering, no excitement - all seem incapable of realising what has happened. The fact is, I suppose, there have been so many ill-founded rumours in the past that hope is well-nigh dead and we have become sceptical - indeed fearful of belief. Or is it our emotions are too intense for expression?
I seem to be dreaming today and fear to awaken.
- Rory Batho
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