Our Values

Encouraging people to get outside, explore and make the most of their free time.


Family First

We're a family business with family values. That means our staff (literally in many cases) are members of the family. we treat everyone else, from clients to customers, as an extension of that family.


Local is our focus

Local expertise underpins everything we do. Local authors bring their expertise to our books, local reps deliver books to local businesses, and our books allow readers to discover the finest walks, hidden gems, forgotten stories and the best local history - in every locality. We print as much as we can locally.


We love the outdoors

The great outdoors is the bedrock of our business. Getting out and enjoying life shouldn't cost the earth. We want people to make the most of their free time, spending more time together outside.


Never stop exploring

Never stop exploring and always have fun. We want to enable people to discover a love of the outdoors when they're young and keep exploring throughout their lives. Our books are for everyone, not just experts.


Community is key

Look after your local community and that community will look after you. This is as true in life as it is in our business.

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