You’ve written your book and now you want to get it published. If you’d like some professional advice and assistance with laying your manuscript out on a page and actually getting it printed, we can help.
You may want to publish a story to leave a record or legacy for your family and future generations, or simply because you’ve got a compelling tale to tell.
For some, writing a memoir is therapy. It allows the author to share an experience with the world in the hope that others will benefit from what they have learned or been through.
Whatever the reason, there has never been a better time to get your book published. With modern technology anyone can now publish a book, distribute paperback or hard cover versions to their family and friends, sell their book on Amazon, and have any orders printed and fulfilled as they come in.
Free, helpful telephone or email advice, or book an appointment to have a face-to-face chat at the office in Newbury. We are here to help you through every step of the publishing process. We’re available to answer your questions and make sure you feel in control bringing your manuscript to book form.
Most authors recognise the benefits of having their manuscript checked by a copy editor and/or proof reader to ensure all spelling, grammar and punctuation is correct. No reader wants to be distracted by small errors that could have been corrected before the book was printed.
We have trusted professional copy editors and proof readers who can help ensure your book is presented in the best possible light. We will work with you to make sure only changes you are comfortable with are made but that your book is consistent and accurate throughout.
Cover design is very important because it is the first impression a reader will have of your book. With so many options, deciding on what sort of cover design to go for can be difficult.
Our designers can help you through this process by talking to you about what sort of look you want to achieve and what you like and don’t like. They will then come up with up to three different designs for you to choose from. We want you to be pleased with your book and 100% satisfied with the service we offer so will endeavour to keep working on a cover until you are happy. However, if this involves a lot of extra work there may be a further cost, but this will always be agreed with you in advance.
First impressions count. It is important to have a good cover for your book but it is also important that the inside looks professional. When creating a book, margins and the positioning of headers, text and photographs are key to making the text legible. Use of the correct font size, spacing and indents are also essential to make your book accessible for a reader. We use professional typesetters to lay out your manuscript so that maximum legibility is achieved while ensuring each page looks nice and is well designed. Once this process has been completed you will be able to see a proof copy of your book to ensure you are happy with the layout and to give a proof reader a chance to carry out one last check of all grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Not all books need to be sold to the public. Many people want their book published as a record for their family or friends. However, if you do want to sell your book at any point it will need an ISBN number.
ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. This is a unique number which contains a Publisher Identifier, Title Number (which identifies a specific title, edition number, and what format it is in, hardback or paperback), and a Group Identifier (which identifies a national, geographical or language of the publisher it belongs to).
This number generates a bar code and is linked to all of your book data so it can also be used to check sales and stock levels at retail outlets. We provide a unique 13-digit ISBN number and barcode for all books that require one.
When it comes to printing there are many options. We usually print books in either hardback or softcover. If you wish to print in another format e.g. wire bound, feel free to discuss this with our team. We specialise in both black & white and colour books, but all covers are colour.
We will work with you to come up with a size, stitching option and overall feel and will take the stress out of decoding paper weights and extents. We will also store your files for a minimum of 36 months after printing your title (longer by arrangement) so if you’d like to reprint your book we can do so easily and you’re only paying for the printing and not any set up fees.
There will obviously be a cost attached for any reprints but we will be happy to give you a quote for this at any time.
Print on demand enables us to print as many copies as you’d like. If you only want one copy, that’s fine. However, we are also able to print multiple copies so you can decide the quantity.
Call us on 01635 43816 or email