Why the Surrey Hills are dog heaven - by Jasper the dog

It’s always a happy day when a new book arrives at Countryside Books HQ from the printers. When our brand-new title The Surrey Hills A Dog Walker’s Guide came in, we had a scan through and one thing jumped out at us.
One animal, in fact: Jasper, the canine accomplice of the book’s authors, David and Hilary Staines,
Jasper seems to be having a VERY good time. So much so that we thought we’d pull a few of his highlights together and present them to you here.
Imagining Jasper could speak for himself, we think he might have something like this to say...
"Hi, Jasper here. Here’s a quick picture tour of my favourite places to run about in the Surrey Hills.
My owners David and Hilary took me to all these places, then they wrote about all of them in this book, The Surrey Hills – A Dog Walker’s Guide.
I’m a dog so of course I can’t read, but apparently it’s great. If David and Hilary did it, it’s probably amazing. But again, I’m a dog, so I would say that.
Anyway, if you also have a dog, trust me, you should probably take him or her to these places too. Remember to wave if you see me!"
"Here I am taking a dip in the River Tillingbourne. Whenever we’re in Abinger Hammer and Friday Street, I usually end up in here."
"This is Sidney Wood. Not sure whether we’re allowed to rest our muddy paws on these canal mileposts, but let’s keep it between us, eh?"
"Banstead Woods. Pretty, huh? Those bluebells aren't bad either!"
"The stepping stones at Box Hill. Sometimes I 'accidentally' fall in here..."
"Devil's Punch Bowl. Humans love the view here. I mostly just run about or admire my owners."
"Limpsfield Chart. Did you know 'chart' is an Old English word for rough ground? Nor did I until just now!"
"Loseley Park, North Downs. My owners come here for a pit-stop at the Watts Gallery. Apparently it's great, if you like Arts and Crafts. I'm more of a 'Barks and Crufts' type myself."
"Reigate Fort. Guess who's king of the castle round these parts?"
"Tatsfield - this is where I come to practise my dog-modelling poses. Coming on well, as you can see..."
"One of the lesser-known but totally brilliant parts of the Surrey Hills - Titsey. I like how the light gives my coat an extra degree of shine."
"And finally, here I am at Waverley Abbey, in no way hoping to have my picture taken."
"So there you are, that's just a selection of what I can show you.
"If you've enjoyed looking at these pictures of me, you'll find loads more (plus loads of info) in my book. That's me on the cover!"
Buy it now
- Alex Batho
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