Hunting Ethics - A Personal Journey

Hunting Ethics - A Personal Journey by Nick Fox, £20

What drives humans and other predators to hunt? Is it ‘wrong’? Is it ‘immoral’? What are morals, who decides them and who is in a position to tell others what they should do?

Join Nick Fox on a journey through the tangled ethics of our relationships with animals in this jargon-free easy read. The author discusses the myriad forms of hunting, and the reasons why we hunt, welfare issues, ethical values and habitat management. Also covered:

  • The roots of our behaviour that we share with other species

  • The psyche of the predator, the hunter-forager

  • Welfare issues in hunting and benchmarks of social acceptability

  • The evolutionary mechanism of morality

  • Moral communities and moral maps

  • Ethical values, who shares them, who judges them, and who enforces them.

  • Welfare of species, habitats and land ethics

  • Habitat management at the international and global levels

"A brave, extraordinary and important book that confronts the most difficult discussions around hunting head on." Chris Packham CBE, Wildlife Presenter.

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